Take back CONTROL of your life!


Take back CONTROL of your life!

I'm a Physician Coaching Physicians!

  • Do you feel disempowered? Disenfranchised? Disrespected? 
  • Don't know what you can do next to deal with all the pressures we feel as physicians?
  • Are you exhausted, cynical, suffering from compassion fatigue?
  • Want to leave medicine but don't know how?
  • Do you want to free yourself from the epidemic of physician burnout?

You've worked too hard for too long to feel this way.

There's HOPE!

I can help you discover how to take back CONTROL of the life you want!

FREE Consultation

Here's what you can do:

1. Sign up for a free 30 minute consultation.

2. You will be given a choice of customized programs after the call.

3. Choose the best program for you. 


Coaching changed my life. Book a consultation call now so I can show you how it will change yours!

Find what's right for you:








PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF  Self Coaching Tools to Help Burnt Out Physician

Download a comprehensive introduction to coaching specifically for physicians. 





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Why work with me? 

I'm an ER physician, happily married for over 30 years with 4 adult children. After my own near catastrophic episode of burn out, I began to look around for ways to help myself. In this process I went to counseling and also found life coaching, and subsequently became a certified life coach.  I realized my negative reoccurring thoughts as a physician nearly killed me, and I've been striving to help as many physicians not make the same mistake I did. Find out why I take so many pictures of sunrises and sunsets.


Watch the intro video and read my story below.


What is coaching?

How does it work?  How can it help you?


About Coaching

Meet Dr. Boyce Fish, DO, MS, FACEP, FACOEP

Along with my career, my wife and I enjoy training for triathlons, traveling, and volunteering. Certifying as life coaches has helped us in every area of our life!


More About Me

Physician burnout affects our families. As a relationship life coach, my wife has a unique perspective to help them.

How My Wife Can Help

You are not alone. We are in this TOGETHER!